About Iracema
Iracema du cros
from a young age iracema has always been very spiritually attuned.
At a very early age she learned she had an awareness of spirit and the ability to sense the presence of entities, along with clairvoyance and the ability to hear spirit (clairaudient).
Being a spiritually connected child can be scary. The adults didn’t always know what to do and how to harness and nourish her growing gifts.
fast forward after a major spiritual awakening in 2016 iracema found her calling with the energy of Reiki and later the magical tools and the energetic body of work from Access Consciousness.
which has led to the journey of expanding her true potential and abilities. she incorporates all the modalities she has learned, life experience, and uses her intuition and Knowing.
All her work comes from the heart and that is felt in her encounters with others. she is funny and uses her natural gift of humour to bring joy and laughter to those around her.
Iracema, has and continues to do a lot of work on her own spiritual growth and the adage Healer Heal thy self is something she resonates with deeply.
Aswell as a Reiki Master she is also a Personal Trainer, Access Bars Facilitator, Body Process practitioner, Breath-work facilitator and Mother of two beautiful boys.