Access Bars is a gentle touch hands-on alternative therapy technique that was introduced by Gary Douglas in 1990. The Bars are 32 points on the head that store the electromagnetic component of your thoughts, feelings, emotions, ideas, beliefs, considerations and any points of view you have had in any lifetime.

When The Bars are lightly touched they effortlessly and easily release anything that does not allow you to receive. The Bars release decisions about any area of your life that you have made solid and as a result cannot change. The Bars begin to dissolve judgment from within.

There are two things that will change anything in your life. The Bars® and choice. What would you say if I told you that you could change your life in only one hour, and all while lying down relaxing? Thousands of people all over the world have.

What if you could change the thoughts, feelings and emotions that limit you?

What if you could have more ease and joy for you and your body?

What if a simple body process could change you… AND the world?

Introducing Access Consciousness Bars®… 32 points on the head, releasing thousands of limitations at a time, with total ease… Money, Control, Creativity, Ageing, Sexuality, Body, Joy, Sadness, Peace, Time, Space, Awareness, Kindness, Gratitude, Communication, Healing… 

The gift of Access Bars has been spreading around the world dynamically with more than 10,000 Bars Facilitators and over 300,000 Bars Practitioners in more than 180 countries worldwide. The Bars is used as a potent and pragmatic tool by holistic practitioners, massage therapists, body workers, coaches, businesses, schools, teachers, counselors, families, athletes, psychologists, prison wards, artists and many more.