Lightarian Clearings
ABOUT lightarian Clearings
The Lightarian Clearing Program is a series of 6 remote attunements to help accelerate your healing by clearing all adverse programming and old energy patterns from your past.
These attunements are suitable for everyone but do follow on from the Lightarian Rays, which are a gentler version to aid the clearing process before receiving this Clearing Program.
As these old energy patterns are cleared from your Chakras and subtle bodies your connection to your higher self becomes more direct. You will then be able to fully lead a much more connected life to source and then fully create the life you are meant to have.
The Price for Client Includes:
All 6 Lightarian Clearing Program attunements
Information about each level will be emailed to you after payment.
1. Lightarian Path Clearing - Level 1
Each one of us comes into this incarnation with our own set of stuff that we want to work out. The term I would like to use here is “limiting path construct.” This construct includes all our limiting programming, restrictive belief structures and their adverse mental, physical, and emotional energies. All of these energies create threadlike energies within our lower Chakras. This first attunement will work on releasing these energies from your energy fields.
2. Lightarian Birth Pattern Removal - Level 2
When our fetus leaves the womb and is birthed into the physical world each one of us is already carrying within our energy fields what we refer to as our “Birth Pattern.” These energies come from our physical lineage, genetics, tribal beliefs, mass consciousness emotional and mental patterns, etc. During this attunement, these adverse energies are removed in accordance with your higher self.
3. Lightarian Template Clearing - Level 3
This particular attunement focuses upon releasing deeply entrenched adverse energies that lie within the physical body itself. With your higher self, there is clearing out of these energies in your etheric body, or your body double, to then clear your physical body.
4. Lightarian Attachment Removal - Level 4
Each one of us creates attachments with other people and numerous physical things in our lives. On the etheric level, each one of these attachments becomes a thin cord or a thick cable-like tentacle. Through the process that occurs from this attunement the energies are removed and cleared from your energy field.
5. Lightarian Lineage Clearing - Level 5
This attunement will work at a more advanced level than the previous clearing in the Attachment Removal. It will address any subtle distortions or out-of-balance conditions, distortions that can colour our experience here in numerous ways. An example of this might be: I don’t deserve to be loved, or Life is a struggle.
6. Lightarian Veil Removal - Level 6
During this incarnation how we perceive who we are, who others are and our experiences here, we often wear “rose coloured” glasses to view. We see life with a veil over our eyes that distort our life for us. With the help of this attunement and our higher self in this level of clearing these veils are removed so that we can see clearly.
Benefits of receiving the Lightarian Clearings
Over time, the Clearing program attunements help us to release adverse energies, such as the following:
Long-existing patterns contributing to physical stresses, discomfort and dis-ease; deep-seated emotional and mental restrictions and blockages
Limiting belief structures and unresolved soul-level spiritual issues
Adverse patterns sourced by family, cultural, ethnic, religious and other mass-consciousness influences
Undesired implants, attachments, strong behaviour patterns and addictions, detrimental past and future life influences