Access Body Processes

Access Body Processes - £100


Access Consciousness Body Processes are a very unique type of hands-on healing that creates dynamic change. These alternative therapies have been used to boost the immune system, for weight loss, to release trauma, to reverse the signs of aging, and to create what the rest of the world considers miracles on a daily basis by shifting energy dynamically and changing disease and dysfunction in the body. There are more than 50 different hands-on body processes.

Access Body Processes were created by Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer, the creators of Access Consciousness®. These processes invite you to change the way you relate to your body... and thus everything in your life.

Access Consciousness bodywork is some of the amazing tools in Access that is designed to give you greater access to your body. What if your body was capable of a level of joy, a level of peace, a level of happiness, and a level of ability that maybe you haven't yet accessed?

These processes can give you access to a totally different kind of body. Access Body Processes can basically change and address anything and everything with a body, from minor aches and pains and trauma to full-blown diseases and disabilities.

Using the Access Body Processes we can begin to shift and change the energy that's creating the minor ache and pain or the full-blown disease. With hundreds of hands-on processes, as well as verbal processes, we can deal with most issues that exist in bodies today.