Lightarian Rays

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ABOUT lightarian Rays

The Lightarian Rays are 6 remote attunements designed to help you advance your spiritual awareness to a new level, which have been inspired by the Celestial Masters

The Price for Client Includes:

  • All 6 Lightarian Ray attunements

  • Information about each level will be emailed to you after payment.

1. The Empowerment Ray

Inspired by Ascension Master Maitreya, the Empowerment Ray is the starting point for the spiritual awakening process and serves as prerequisite for receiving the other Rays. The Empowerment Ray stimulates a dramatic 'spiritual wake-up call' of the highest order, which can trigger waves of energetic acceleration and vibrational change.

2. The Clearing Ray

Created by Ascended Master El Morya, the Clearing Ray launches a gentle, yet effective 'etheric deep cleaning', stripping away all of your adverse soul programming, inappropriate belief structures and undesired mental and emotional patterns.

3. The Healing Ray

Sourced by Ascended Master Buddha, the Healing Ray initiates a powerful process of holistic self-healing, returning you to a state of balance and alignment.

4. The Activation Ray

Inspired by Ascended Master Sananda, the Activation Ray energetically activates your latent etheric coding and triggers powerful, ongoing spiritual initiations, which help to allow more of your Higher Self energies to flow into your day-to-day life.

5. The Manifestation Ray

Sourced by Ascended Master St. Germain, the Manifestation Ray expands your capacity for manifesting on all levels! It helps open you up to attract spiritual, mental, emotional and physical abundance. All to serve your highest purpose!

6. The Source Ray

The final energy connection within the Lightarian Ray program is that to the Source Ray, a connection with the energies of our Universal Source. The first five Rays (with their focus on stimulating spiritual processing) serve as an 'energetic platform' and prerequisite for the Source Ray, which creates a dramatic leap to a new vibrational connection with even higher levels of divine energies. The Source Ray is designed to stimulate and support you on your quest for a more perfected and ascended way of 'being and doing' in your day-to-day experience.