Multi Dimensional Reiki Money

Multi Dimensional Reiki Money £100

ABOUT Multi Dimensional Money REIKI

Abundance, Prosperity, Financial  Understanding & Energy Attraction 

The Multi Level Prosperity Reiki Series was channelled in 2009 by Reiki Master and Author Tawan Chester.

The System is designed to reach and move across multiple dimensions - allow it to move as Divine Source intents. 

This series of attunements consist of 9 separate activations which work together to help you address the energies that will work within your etheric background. The energies of Multi Levelled Prosperity are often ignored but they play a very unique role in what is manifested within the physical world. 

1. Multi Dimensional Money

is the prerequisite for all other systems within this series Multi Dimensional Money Reiki The Multi Dimensional Money energy is the first system in the Multi Level Prosperity Series. This system works to help you with all aspects of money. It is the only prerequisite for the remaining 8 systems in the series. 

Helps the energy to flow between you and the Universe in a more productive manner and lays the groundwork to continuously expand and grow your abilities. It refines your knowledge concerning money. 

It works on 4 Levels:

1. Your vibrations are adjusted to work with the 
    true concept of money 

2. Recalibrates your vibrations to all forms of money 

3. Fine-tunes your receptors to detect all forms 
    of money 

4. Lays a foundational network for building multi-
   dimensional concepts.

2. World Money Reiki 

is the second system in this series. The energies work by adjusting and fine tuning the information that you have received concerning the many aspects of physical money and financial blessings

It puts you in tune with the various methods used of exchange.
It is especially good if you travel or work with moniers of different countries.
Money is also called currency. Currency flows like a current. There is a natural motion to them all. The money is acquired, it should still remain in a natural, flowing pattern. 

3. Galactic Wealth Reiki 

is the third system in this series. The energies work to help you expand your horizons, enabling you to obtain a much deeper understanding concerning money so that you can start to draw more into your life.

Manifests greater amounts of money. Important is that you must be willing to expand in every way (before receiving this attunement). 

4. Universal Prosperity Reiki

is the fourth system in this series. The energies work by helping you tap into the vastness of all that is around you so that you are not limited to earthly abundance. You will begin to experience abundance and prosperity in all areas of your life.

Helps to excel in your life. It moves to bring all things into harmony for you. It focuses on all areas of your life except money. All things must work together in order for you to live a prosperous life.

Health, emotional and mental stability, family and jobs are just a few areas that add to, or take away from the overall prosperity. 

When an individual is doing well in all areas of his or her life, than he or she is truly prospering.

5. Cosmic Abundance Reiki 

is the fifth system in this series. The energies of this beautiful system work to address all areas of your life to bring all that you need plus much more. 

Helps bring abundance to you from every possible place, realm, and dimension.

This energy is quite subtle and fine. The very nature of cosmic energy touches everything. Cosmic energy perhaps described as mist, fog, or vapour. Cosmic energy appears to be the DNA aspect of creating galaxies. 

Being in abundance means that you have more than what you need. You would be able to give to others out of the excess that you possess. 

6. Cosmic Exchange Reiki 

is the sixth system in this series. The energies of this modality work to help you in making the most beneficial exchanges possible. These exchanges can range from financial exchanges to those which are also connected to love, relationships and friendships. 

Assists in making the most beneficial exchanges possible. The energy has the ability to touch and interact with all things because its cosmic in nature

It will move all types of exchange (time, physical, monetary and etheric - so the best decisions are made concerning each exchange you engage in)

7. Infinite Pathways Reiki 

is the seventh system in this series. The energies of this system work to create routes that allow money, wealth, prosperity or abundance to travel along in your exchanges. 

Sensitive pathways will be created and laid. 

8. Divine Presence Reiki 

is the eighth system in this series. The energies work by allowing the presence of the divine to manifest themselves in all of your undertakings.
Brings Divine Source into all of your undertakings and to get assistance from Divine Source (you never have to do it on your own, important is that you allow it!) 

9. Infinite Flow Reiki 

is the ninth system in this series. The energies work to help you tap into the limitless flow (in any area you choose, not just physical) of all that is and all that will be. A flow to carry something away or to bring you something.

With your purchase you will receive: 

The Multi Level Prosperity Reiki manuals (9 in total) and all 9 distant attunements will be sent to you after you have read through the manuals and have asked any questions that you may have. This is to ensure that you have understood and assimilated all of the information that was given to you. Your distant attunements will then be sent to you using the call in (Chi Ball) method or at an appointed time and day. 

An Emailed Certificate with hand signed signature and genuine lineage will be sent to you after you have received your final distant attunement.